Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I Will Rise - By Chris Tomlin

Everytime I hear this song it makes me want to learn how to play the guitiar. The lyrics are so beautiful and true, in fact I recently told my wife that I would like to have this song played at my funeral, yes I like it that much. You should  listen to it and let the lyrics minister to you too. I'm gonna learn how to play this song on either the strings or the keys and then I want to teach my kids. I am a fan of most of Chris Tomlins songs.  Music is a great way to worship and this is a great worship song!

 Listen here!

Monday, August 16, 2010

"Hand Crafted"

Authentically Hand Crafted by the master himself  ( Psalm 139: 13,14 )

Instead of becoming overly distracted by the title of this post I am deferring to the subject that sparked this documenting journey which is essentially me exercising the first amendment electronically.  I am reading through some verses from Psalm 139, a chapter about the omniscience of God. First off I noticed the undeniable truth and fact that if you don't read your bible you will miss out on being reminded about God's attributes as they are clearly conveyed all through out scripture. This lesson was helpful because I had to really answer some important questions about myself according to how God views me. The beginning of the chapter brings to light the facts that God is concerned with me and He knows me better than I know myself, comforting and convicting is what I like to call the conclusion that I had when I really grasped that concept. Perhaps you would like to know details about the two C's mentioned: First I said comforting because since God knows me better than I know myself and He is concerned about me, then I conclude that He protects me from myself because quite frankly my heart is wicked - yep just wicked. The other "C' is convicted, oh yes I typed that infamous word. The convictions run deep because of the sin issues that I battle with and the lust of the flesh that I have to deal with and die to day to day. So suddenly an exam was critical, It was time to examine my self and honestly look at my heart and take a survey and see if I could really identify some of the things that God sees and knows about me. As much as I want to get really personal I won't because that's not really what this is about, it's more about sharing how God used a few verses to spark a hodgepodge of convictions and praises! Do yourself some good and take the exam today and be honest with God and ask Him to help you overcome the areas in your heart that are not Christ centered. He already knows what they are He wants you to confess them and turn to Him for the help that you need. He knows that details about us because by Him we were hand crafted. Peace

For you formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mothers womb.
I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made Marvelous are your works,
And that my sould knows very well
Psalm 139 13,14